What YOU choose during THESE inflection points will decide everything

If you came here from Linkedin, just slide forward to just before the 3min mark

It’s a brand new year, the world is a very screwed up place right now, and what you do in the coming few months, is going to make ALL the difference to you, but more importantly, to your family, your business, your colleagues, your community and your life and the impact that you have on this planet.

History, both distant and recent history, proves 100% of the time that its exactly during these dangerous inflection points, when the world seems lost and everything looks dismal, that everything is up for grabs and the greatest fortunes and legacies are created.

So I ask you, what are you going to do differently this time round ? You know the definition of insanity right ? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Yes, this time it’s different, you know why ?  Because you are going to do something different.

So, I get to spend a lot of time with some very successful people that have made all the mistakes along the way and got a few things right.

That reminds me of this background, its real but its not LIVE

It's straight from my Vision board - one of the world's premier diving sites in Papua New Guinea and I made a deal with the owner of this super yacht, that I will buy it from him in an all cash deal in the next 5 years when he’s ready to upgrade to something that can handle a bigger helicopter

Don’t laugh, it’s good to have goals and crush them.

But just beware of the “success tax’ - Elon is currently paying it

The 🌎 is waiting for a chance to rip you down when u climb too fast 🪜 too high and out of reach yet there r some that will always have your back ‼️

So here’s the advice that my friend gave me on our last diving trip in Tahiti

start 🏗️ ➡️ your ⭕️ asap by getting in the right rooms and learning (quickly) how to add 🚀 ⛽️ your gifts so that you can double down on your genius and stop walling around in being a reactionary passenger, or even for those like me that already found they were operating but being trapped in their zone of excellence. Its stepping out into YOUR zone of GENIUS where all the rewards are, thats where you get to build a Life & Business on YOUR Terms™

So let’s talk ⚠️ WHY ? Because without a powerful WHY behind your wishlist, dream bucket, vision board even your outdated to do list, you actually have nothing, because motivation alone is not enough.

Here’s a big WHY to think about

1. So you don’t get to the pearly gates and have God say _________, is this all you did with the gifts I gave you ? Com’ on dude, seriously 😒, this is embarrassing for both us, out, go back

2. So that your Life really has a meaningful impact and that you can have ⏳time💰money💃people📍and location FREEDOM


3. Serve those that you care about better

It’s in the details of WHO and WHY that your Life is sculpted into a masterpiece and it’s ALSO in the details of self doubt , distraction and complacency that everything is lost

So HOW do you get into the details (the right ones) and stay out of the 💩 ones ?

1. Get into the right rooms

2. Get help and take it when its offered (hard)

3. Make a big plan

4. Break it down into 3 big baudacious goals

5. Break those goals into projects

6. Schedule it like a MF, even the 💩ones

7. Build systems to scale, rinse, repeat


Iterate, iterate, iterate and use the haters, doubters and naysayers as fuel for your rocket - burn that nasty stuff … show them, actually show YOU

Warning, none of it works as it should, if you dont first absolutely nail down your identity, who your ideal prospect and investor actually is, where to find them, how to attract them and how convert them into RFC’s -  Raving Fan Clients that renew, recommend and recruit others to your mission.

When the Macro is CLEAR 🏁the Micro is EASY, especially when its reinforced with the right Strategy, Tactics and Systems


Just think of a Staircase - That's a system, to get you from down here to up there, without the step by step system, you cant do it, but every day taking 3 steps is easy right,

So if you want to get into the right rooms and get leverage and training on this so that you dont spend the next year struggling with the exact same things you’ve been struggling with in the last few years, come and join us in our LIVE | Virtual bootcamp:

CRUSHINGIT - The Life & Business on YOUR Terms™ Bootcamp


Doors to the main stage open on  Thursday Jan 12th morning at 1045 Eastern

Make your Time on this planet count. Get in the right rooms. The End. 


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