Reverse Hacking the Linkedin Algorithm with Good Intentions

By now you've probably noticed a sharp drop off in Linkedin views from a month ago. So how is it that some posts go viral when others simply die of loneliness ? 

Here's a short (sort of) unscripted, unedited and off the cuff video where I explain the Top 10 factors that you can implement right away to make sure that as many people are seeing your valuable Linkedin Posts as possible.

Please would you come back to this Linkedin Post

and leave a note, feedback, ideas, even criticism - anything but silence - it will ensure that you see content like this on your feed again, so that we can all prosper and and help more people.

Sincerely, Anric Blatt

Here are the notes I refer to



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We're building a movement and are no longer content to erect our skyscrapers (content) on rented quicksand (social media) - so lets make sure we don't lose touch.

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